Monday, 13 May 2013

List of Barristers on Twitter

The Tweeting Lawyer's list of barrister friends on Twitter. Though do be mindful of risks, as per here where barrister was struck off. Thought not solely for Twitter misuse.

The creative agency Isaac Parker points to list of UK lawyers and law firms on Twitter which you can access here. Isaac Parker used followerwonk to compile the list which you can access here.

JD Supra has an extensive list of lawyers on Twitter which you can access by clicking here.

Click here to access a list of Big Law lawyers on Twitter.

QC at 25 Bedford Row in crime and human rights. A writer represented by Independent Talent who broadcasts and writes for TV Radio Stage Books and Newspapers.
It is what it is.
Barrister in Yorkshire. Weekend sailor, walker, and keen but talentless guitarist.
Law blogger. Occasionally enjoys chucking a metaphorical bog roll onto the pitch. Blog not always serious.

EmbryonicBarrister and Paralegal with a desire to develop a practice in mental healthlaw, disability discrimination as well as asylum and refugee law.
Barristerat @1CrownOfficeRow and editor of . Tweets andwrites about UK human rights law. Longlisted for the 2011 Orwell Prize
Barrister,blogger, interested in business, technology, politics, news and movies.
UKLawyer/ex-barrister. The pantomime baddy of Twitter. Bad language, malicioustweets. Politics: bit left+ bit right. Geek/copyright/p2p/Cars/cameras
TheBarrister is the UK's largest independent magazine for practising barristers.It is published quarterly. For advertising enquires. T 0845 5190 176.
Barrister,former government lawyer and author of the Head of Legal blog. Writer, lawlecturer and legal commentator.

Barrister (QC) based in Nottingham specialisingin Criminal Law. Four sons. Former guitarist in rock bands (various). Formersolicitor.
QC Mediation provides excellence inmediation, evaluation, arbitration and training worldwide. A uniquelysilk-based global service.
Barristerat Exchange Chambers
Interestedin all things legal, financial and political. Graduated as a barrister &seeking pupillage. Working for the Money Advice Service in the Policy team.
Southererexiled in the North. Barrister at 9 St John Street Chambers specialising inPersonal Injury litigation. Part time rugby & NFL fanatic.
Edinburghbased Westwater Advocates QC with special interests in medical and insurancelaw. Likes music, literature, art. Cycles for fitness.
Barrister& Solicitor, Gibraltar - Maj (Ret'd) Royal Gibraltar Regiment (now RegtSec) - Honorary Consul for Italy - Commodore RGYC - French Horn player.
MezzoSoprano, @AskonasHolt@BBCRadio3NewGen Artist, @princeconsort,@Cambridge_Uni@RCMLatest, former Barrister @1crownofficerow, Yummy Mummy, proud Scouser
TravelWriter. Speaker. Barrister practising asylum, immigration, human rights &criminal law. Youngest Briton to cross the Gobi Desert on foot.
 #Barrister  Commercial #Mediator  Specialist #Counsel  #Advocate
Barrister|DoctoralCandidate @ University of Oxford| Blog about and research IT, IP, Privacy,Internet law issues. Also tweet from@OxPILS.
Former USNQuartermaster turned independent Stoke Newington barrister | Arsenal spoken here|
Group ChiefExecutive, BPP Professional Education,Principal,BPP University College,Professor of Law,Barrister born Doncaster.Tweets are my personal perspective
I'm a lawreporter for @TheICLR (of The LawReports & Weekly Law Reports fame). I'm also a barrister and I write theCarrefax blog. Everything will be alright.
Cantankerousbarrister. Employment, commercial and insolvency law. Time Magazine Person ofthe Year 2006. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 2012 (joint).
Born inIreland, now teaching at LSE. Human rights lawyer; academic and barrister;sometime journalist and small-time broadcaster
Pupilbarrister, journalist-in-recovery. Nothing I tweet is legal advice or otherthan in a personal capacity. RT ≠ endorsement.
Head ofPublic Affairs, Weber Shandwick. Former Director of Big Brother Watch,non-practising barrister. Suffolk boy. Lover of Switzerland. Tory.
ExIntetcounty Footballer, Barrister, TV Pundit on The Sunday Game, Journalist andColumnist with Gaelic Life Magazine.
Spurs fansince the day I was born. Husband, father, barrister, part-time astronaut andutterly besotted with Superman Jan Vertonghen.
Curryevangelist. Barrister.Author of Curry in a Hurry.Indian food writer running theTwitter CurryClinic. With the Deborah McKenna agency
Barrister,Solicitor, Lecturer, Columnist, Human and Womens Rights Activist, Friend,Sister, Daughter but most importantly; AUNTY & MOTHER!
Medialawyer specialising in defamation, privacy, piracy and IP issues for a range ofclients worldwide. Read my blog at
Barrister,pundit, Irish TImes columnist, here and there all opinions are my own.
Great JamesStreet Chambers is a specialist set, led by Alun Jones QC, renowned forextradition, civil and public law challenge in complex criminal cases.
A set ofBarristers' Chambers specialising in criminal law, public law, prison law,regulatory law and associated areas.
Leadinghuman rights and prison law barristers chambers.
Barristercommitted to ensuring justice and equality and writer for the Independent, NewStatesman and Guardian.
Practisingin London and the South East. Covering Family, Property, Commercial &Personal Injury Law.
Employmentlaw barristers working for equality
LEX is theonly browser-based Microsoft.NET solution available to barristers' chambers. Anunparalleled solution for clerks and barristers,
Viewsexpressed are not those of the Inner Temple (Account currently maintained byEmily McQuilkin, current President of the Mooting Committee 2012-13)
Specialistset of Chambers dedicated to the work of Leading and Senior Junior Counsel inhigh value and complex cases.
SpecialistBarristers providing advice and representation in all areas of employment law.Act for large and small employers, employees and trade unions.
Barrister.BPTC Lecturer at BPP. Advocacy, Criminal Litigation and Disciplinary Law.(Views here are personal, RTs are not endorsements)
Family lawbarrister and mediator at 1 Hare Court. Husband and father. Used to be able torun really, really fast.
Family lawbarrister at 1 Hare Court and co-ordinator of the Africa Justice Foundationlegal aid clinic programme in Rwanda
SeniorClerk at 1 Hare Court Chambers, the leading specialist family law set inLondon. Spurs fan and dad to two boys.
FamilyBarrister and Mediator practicing at 1 Hare Court
Family lawbarrister
Solutionsfor legal problems. Barrister based in Nottingham. Available for Direct Accesswork. Father of two. Avid cyclist. Views are those of my wife.
Barrister @1chancerylane. Dad and cyclist too.
Barristerat St Philips Chambers specialising in commercial litigation and insolvency(0121 246 7000)
St Philipsis one of the largest barrister sets in the country, providing a multidisciplinary service to our clients on a national and international basis.
Primarycontact of Bar Council/Oval Insurance Broking & property, motor andpossessions insurance specialist. All thoughts are my own.
Regulatoryand Fraud Barrister at St Pauls Chambers Leeds and 2 Bedford Row London.Disciplinary Toy safety,V2G, Energy Storage,Carbon and Circular Economy.
TheJudicial Appointments Commission selects candidates for judicial office inEngland and Wales, and for some tribunals in Scotland and NI.
The CrownProsecution Service is responsible for criminal prosecutions in England &Wales. (Can rarely reply here - so comments via instead pls)
Barrister,traveller. I want to see the world! Usual topics are food, trains, telly andjustice. Not necessarily in that order.
Internationalcriminal lawyer and human rights advocate.
EUbarrister, especially in Procurement - co-chair of ICC PubProc Task Force -tweets on EU law and other stuff - all personal and a retweet does not endorse
Lyricallaments, sweary submissions and further complaints from counsel, (attempting)to forge a living (or otherwise) at the Bar of England and Wales. 
Barristerin practice at Fountain Court, London Member of Bar Standards Board
Barristerand NE Circuit representative on Bar Council. Married with son and living inNorthumberland. Blogs at
Barristerspecialising in international law and human rights
criminalbarrister @ doughty street chambers
Barristerin London specialising in human rights and asylum. These are my views only,often not even that.
Barristerat Doughty Street Chambers specialising in human rights, civil liberties andpublic law; campaigner; tired mum.
Barristerat Garden Court Chambers speclaising in criminal justice & civil liberties.Co-author of @protesthandbook. Views own buthopefully shared.
Humanrights and public law barrister at doughty street chambers
specialistfamily law barrister
SpecialistFamily Law Barrister. Treasurer of the FLBA.
Barristerat 1 King's Bench Walk Chambers
Collaborativelytrained Barrister specialising in financial provision following divorce and allrelated family disputes. Personal views.
Member ofthe @UniofOxford Law Facultyand Associate Member of Harcourt Chambers. Expert in family law and socialpolicy.
1 King’sBench Walk is a 'highly recommended' set of barristers' chambers, withspecialist teams dealing with both family and criminal law.
Allcomments (even the salient ones!), and especially the opinions, are my own. Oh,and I love shoes. And reading Law.
BarristerHead of Criminal Group St Philips Chambers Birmingham 0121 246 7000. Have wigwill travel, no murder too gruesome, no fraud too small!
Nationallyknown for providing first-class advocacy & advice. Recognised by ChambersUK as a leading set with expertise in all areas of law.
Solicitors'Agent and intending barrister.
BVCGraduate and ever determined to become a successful Barrister. Tweets arepersonal views.
4 PaperBuildings Barristers Chambers is a blog dedicated to the UK Supreme Court.
Warrior.Poet. Occasional barrister. Divorce, finance and family law at 1KBW.
TheChambers of Paul Mallender, Family Law Barristers
I am abarrister specialising in financial remedies, schedule 1, TOLATA andInheritance Act claims. Co-author of Unlocking Matrimonial Assets on Divorce.
Barrister -Called to the Bar, July 2012. LPC Advocate. Mainly found flittering around theCivil Courts of the Midlands.
Barrister,mediator and collaborative lawyer
UK Divorceand Matrimonial Finance practitioner at 1 Kings Bench Walk, London
Barrister,Politician, Historian, Cricket Lover, Custodian of #Arthur , the Onceand Future King.
Lawyer @CORBrighton. Renaissance woman. Interests include history,music, perfume, politics, science, afternoon tea, knitting, dancing. Tweets notlegal advice.
Barristerat Pump Court Chambers. Tweets about law, life at the junior Bar and Welshrugby. All views my own.
I'm aspecialist international family law barrister based at 4 Paper Buildings (viewshere my own...),when not working I love sport, food and music!
Barristerat 1 KBW
http://This.Is.Me. Jumping headfirst into a career at the criminal Bar..........I know, I know! PupillageHuntress Extrodinaire.
Barristerbased in Manchester, Leeds & Birmingham. Living on the Lancashire coast.Specialising in all things mental health. Comments are mine not Chambers
Barristerat @1CrownOfficeRow. Tweeting in apersonal capacity.
FamilyBarrister and Mediator at 37 Park Square, Leeds
A familybarrister specialising in International Family Law, particularly relating tochildren.
Family lawbarrister with a penchant for occ silliness. But not at work...
Barristerspecialising in Family Law & Court of Protection at @stmarysflc. Member of@familylawbar & ALC.Moonlight as rugby referee in National League 3.
Family LawBarrister
Barristerpractising from 1 Hare Court, Temple. Views my own.
Humanrights barrister, marathon runner, cricket obsessive, music lover who liveswith partner and cats.
Be-wiggeddefence Counsel, working in the City of London in criminal law; photographer,blogger, sometime social and political commentator. 日本語でも、どうぞ!
UNOFFICIALTwitter Site to promote the life works and messages of the world's greatestliving #HumanRights Judge Lawyerand Champion.
LegalBlogger who aims to provide incisive, intelligent and original news on UK andinternational legal issues.
For everystudent with an aspiration for law; we assist, advise and inform. With insightand interviews, The Pupil is the source of knowledge for every student.
Barrister.Bond Fan. Likes: Kelly, Gavi & CFC Dislikes: Legal Aid Rates
Barrister.Crime, prison law, public law, actions against the: prison service, probationservice, police. Penchant for Thomas Pink ties and Plymouth Gin.
Supportingentrants to the Criminal Bar from diverse backgrounds who have determinationand talent but limited means.
CriminalBarristers Chambers in London, working nationwide, specialising in CommercialCrime, Serious & Organised Crime, Terrorism & Regulatory offences.
Criminalbarrister, human rights advocate, lover of fine wine and compulsive buyer ofshoes.
Criminalbarrister at Argent Chambers. Also practise military and civil law
Carmeliteis one of the nation's leading criminal law sets. We specialise in defence workin all aspects of serious crime & fraud throughout the UK & overseas
Barrister,wine lover, and political animal
I love zlist celebs, red wine, being a criminal barrister, baths, gossip, holidays,London, being right, baking, boybands, books with happy endings.
Aprogressive, expert chambers in London WC2 with barristers covering the fullrange of legal practice areas
Barristerand graduate student interested in crime, its causes and our reactions to it.
Barristerstruggling with life, the universe and Instructing Solicitors. Mostly withInstructing Solicitors ....
Barristerspecialising in human rights, crime, prisons, police, immigration & JR.International Lawyer of the Year 2011. Consultant to UN EU OSCE & COE
Barrister.Specialist in Criminal, Fraud and Regulatory defence.
Barristerat St John's Buildings, Manchester. Criminal law, inquests and related areas.Retweets not endorsements etc etc.
Barrister,Tooks Chambers and Associate Lecturer, Open University
Barristerat 36 Bedford Row specialising in family and criminal law.
Barristerspecialising in crime
CriminalDefence Barrister. All views expressed are my own.
Barristerpracticing in criminal law from the chambers of David Malone at@1GraysInnSquare
Londonliving Criminal Barrister
CriminalQC. Proud to belong to Doughty Street Chambers, but views my own. No legaladvice given here. Blog: Nothing Like the Sun:
Criminalbarrister, husband, father, entertainer. As a child I never dreamt of beingwealthy - now I'm living that dream! Most views my own.
A fictionalCrown Court Judge near you
Barristerat 9 Bedford Row specialising in firearms, military and criminal law. BASCCouncillor, legal correspondent Shooting Gazette and Gun Trade News.
Barristersspecialising in crime and family work, also with expertise in general civil,immigration, public and employment law. Friendly and very effective
Anonymousof necessity. Opinions are my own.
Barristersin East Anglia providing advocacy and legal advice since 1946. Family,Commercial, Crime, etc. Lawyers in Ipswich, Norwich, Colchester and Chelmsford
SocialJustice Barrister interested in anything criminal justice related. The moredifficult the case, the better! Door tenant@1graysinnsquare
Self-employedCounty Court Advocate, McKenzie Friend at the National Centre for DomesticViolence and Trainee Adviser at the CAB. On the hunt for pupillage.
Former MP,Barrister occasional journo
London'sMetropolitan Police Service. Also at Don't reportcrime on Twitter. In emergencies always call 999.
The trialsand tribulations and injustices of life in the courtrooms of great britishjustice!! all names changed but all facts are true!!
We representthe views of the practising members of the criminal bar in England & Wales
Barrister,Wine Lover, Football fan, Runner.
PrincipalClerk at 1 Gray's Inn Square Barristers' Chambers Amatuer Iphoneographeroutside of the office
Criminalbarrister, Photographer, Football fan, Manager of London Titans FC, Campaignsofficer for GFSN. All views are my own
Barristerat Tooks Chambers, with a broad-based civil practice focusing on public law,asylum and immigration, prison law, discrimination, and employment.
Barristerspecialising in fraud. Licensed for Direct Access. Occasionally amazing. Level4 prosecutor
No 1 HighPavement Chambers is a specialist criminal set with a reputation forexcellence. We prosecute and defend in all areas of serious crime.
PupilBarrister at Oriel Chambers. Manchester United fan keeping a low profile in Liverpool.Tweeting in personal capacity.
DefenceBarrister. Opinions often borrowed from Malcolm Tucker.
Barristerat @1MCBchambers with abroad-based social welfare practice focusing on public law, asylum &immigration, prison law, and criminal defence.
Aformidable Barrister specialising in the area of Crime, Immigration, Election& Family Law.
Criminal,regulatory and prison law, direct/public access. Village cricketer, Leeds fan,Tigers fan, Christian.
Barristerspecialising in the defence of those charged with serious crime or professionalmisconduct.
Barrister.Specialist in serious crime, commercial fraud & regulatory work. Recorderof the Crown Court. Joint Head of 15 New Bridge Street Chambers, London
Barristerat 23 Essex Street specialising in criminal and regulatory law; Chairman of theYBC; CBA committee member; Bar Council rep under 7 yrs Call
Barrister,Bar Council member, Vice-President of the European Young Bar Association, allmy own views...
The ATC,chaired by Nicholas Green QC, oversees standards of advocacy training for theBar of England and Wales, supporting the Inns, Circuits and BPTCs.
Barrister @Doughty Street Chambers - Social Entrepreneur – Founder of Urban Lawyers –Social commentator
Legal news,and a comprehensive directory of all Magistrates' Courts in the UK. Notofficially affiliated with or endorsed by any UK court.
Barristerat 15 New Bridge Street
Criminaldefence barrister specialising in serious violence, fraud and sex offences.
Barristerwho writes Banks on Sentence, the second largest selling criminal practitionertextbook. Also writes for Inside Time, the prisoners’ paper.
barrister.And babe
Barrister.PSL Paralegal at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP. Petrolhead, proficient withswords, enjoys singing. Views expressed here are purely personal.
A juniorbarrister starting to question whether law really is that wonderful. From youngpassionate student to apathy and financial chaos. Loves TV and bed
Called tothe Bar in 2012. CPS barrister's assistant. Interested in personal injury,employment law, and politics. Love travelling, costa coffee and fashion.
Londonbased barrister practising criminal, regulatory and prison law.
Barrister -probably rather less sensible than I should be but just about managing to avoidbeing found out...
Barristerin Training. Amateur Photographer and an amazing cook ( even if I say so)
Family lawand Court of Protection barrister and mediator at 37 Park Square, Leeds
Barristerspecialising in fraud, asset forfeiture, confiscation, corporate wrongdoing,regulatory litigation and professional discipline.
Has wig,will travel...
Barristerat St John's Buildings, Sheffield
Manchesterbased criminal defence barrister.
Barrister,podcaster and social media person.
Barristerand Chair at ALTO. Comments are my own. Nothing tweeted here is legal advice orrelated to any work/body I represent or that represents me.
As far backas I can remember, I always wanted to be a barrister. Regular legal volunteerand vice-chair of a small counselling charity.
LeadingCriminal and Regulatory Barristers based in the City of London.
Barristerat 9 Bedford Row and the International Criminal Law Bureau specialising ininternational criminal law, human rights and extradition.
Barrister practisingin criminal law. Any views expressed are accidental.
Just a QCmaking his way....
Art Lawyer- employment and commercial services at 36 Bedford Row Chambers
Barrister('very fair but very effective', Chambers & Partners, Leaders at the Bar,2012) and Councillor for Stansted North
Mummy,barrister, chocolate-devotee...
Criminalbarrister, MCFC fan
EmbryonicBarrister, Historian & Scouter. Mainly tweeting on the splendours andmiseries of life aiming to practise at the Bar
Vice-Chairmanof the Young Barristers' Committee of the Bar Council & dauntless crusaderfor justice.
Young Irishbarrister keeping his head above the LSC waves. Crime/Family/Prison UK-Wide.Ireland/Ulster/QPR fan.
On amission to create world peace by making mediation cool, more popular thanfacebook and accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Join me on this quest.
FormerCriminal Barrister, Hypnotherapist, Freelance Law Tutor, ILEX Assessor, RowingCoach and Sale Sharks season ticket holder.
ProfessionalDiscipline “Set of the Year” 2013. Our barristers are also experts in otherareas of law. Call us to see how we can help you on 020 7353 6381
QCSolicitor Advocate specialising in criminal law and human rights - thesemusings are all my own
I am aformer barrister and now the BBC's Legal Correspondent. Views expressed aremine and not the BBC's.
Rodney is abarrister caught between London and Northern Ireland. He sometimes does alittle politics on the side.
#Bar CouncilService Partner, #Legal #search#recruitment#barristers #ceo #clerks#partners #lawyers emergingmarkets, international legal search specialists
DeliveringClients Direct to Barristers
TheChambers of David Fisher QC and David Perry QC. One of the leading sets ofbarristers in crime, human rights, public and extradition law.
Barrister(England and Wales) and Acting Registrar of the Qatar International Court andDispute Resolution Centre. Enjoys an adventure!
Sports LawBarrister KCH Garden Square. Check out my blog on current sports law issues.Advocate. Criminal Law. Instruct direct 0116 2987500
barrister& Reuters correspondent, now legal technology journalist, newsletterpublisher, blogger, new media maven, science fiction author, keynote speaker
St IvesChambers Criminal Group - Determined Barristers, devoted to advocacy. Proud tobe part of the legal community.
Jason is abarrister at St Ives Chambers and a broadcaster. MBE
Clear,comprehensive and unbiased advice on legal education and careers for youngpeople.
Barristerat 2 Bedford Row. Chairman of the Bar Council
QC at @gcnchambers; tweets about criminal defence, civil libertiesand human rights; trustee of @Amicus_ALJ; legal commentator; edits GCN Criminal Law Update
Barrister(QC). Londoner. Brixton resident. Tweeting in a purely personal capacity.
Head ofChambers at 9-12 Bell Yard, criminal/regulatory barrister, advocacy trainer andlong standing Bruce Springsteen fan.
Criminal/humanrights/regulatory lawyer. Author (covert policing). Recent cases: Cpl C, SgtNightingale and J Bamber. Older: R v Clegg, MPs x's & phone hacking
Criminalbarrister, one time policeman / anti-social behaviour officer. Personal views.
Barristerand farmer (sort of). Living with wife, and animals including @ernestpig in Devon. Sees funny side of Bribery Act. Always agrees withother lawyers.
Practisingbarrister. I blog on politics (with Tory leanings) and write for legaljournals. Adrenalin junkie - especially skiing. History buff.
Barrister @hardwickelaw - commercial, costs and employment law,husband, father, foodie, Chelsea fan, Christian, .
Barrister @hardwickelaw - Insurance, Commercial and Personal Injury.
Barrister @hardwickelaw - Public Law Specialist (views are my own)
Barristerin Social Housing field, Manchester United fan (only born 119 miles fromground!) and Guardian & Agatha Christie reader...all views are my own
Barrister.Creative. Consultant to BBC R4 Unreliable Evidence. Research Director ofConstitution Society. Own views.
QC,Visiting Prof and UK Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
QC doingmurders and writing plays on the same lines (
CriminalLaw Barrister, uncompromising and relentless in the pursuit of justice. Over 30years experience in the courts.
Head ofComms at the Bar Council. This is a personal account and any views expressedare mine alone; for what they're worth.
One of theSouths leading sets with 30 specialist advocates & mediators; providingrepresentation & advice within Family, Civil, Employment, Housing & PI
Officialprofile for the highest court in the UK.
Theprofessional association of barristers practising in the field of family law
Barristerin Public Law & Human Rights at Doughty Street Chambers, London. Views arestrictly my own.
2KBW is aprofessional set of Barristers Chambers specialising in; Criminal, Civil,Family, Prison, Court Martials & Direct Access matters. 0207 353 1746
One of theUK's leading commercial chancery and business law sets of chambers, comprising53 specialist barristers, including 23 QCs.
availablefor members of BPP law school interested in a career at the bar.Oportunities tomoot, partake in inns visits, panel events and debates
The topcriminal defence set in the country.
Family lawbarristers specialising in financial remedies on relationship breakdown &divorce. Direct access accepted. Highly experienced & approachable team.
News &information from the UK Parliament’s upper house. Produced by its staff to showhow the Lords checks and challenges the UK government.
Founded in1977, The Chambers of Lord Gifford QC is a common law set specialising inCrime, Immigration, Family, Housing & Civil law. Please call 02074528900
ChambersPeople, London: providing staff and consultancy for barristers' chambers.
Some thingsjust get better with age! Namesake of the Halsbury's Legal Terms app:
TrinityChambers is proud of its reputation as being one of the leading sets ofbarristers’ chambers in the North of England.
Mediatorand human rights barrister - specialising in representing young people.
Grumpy,ageing hack addicted to fighting injustice
Barristerat Doughty Street Chambers, social care and human rights lawyer, Chair ofAbleChildAfrica, campaigner, proud new dad.
Independentcommercial mediator. Helping people make better decisions about where they wantto be. Life long student of human behaviour, photographer/artist.
JCSMediation is registered and accredited by the Civil Mediation Council. Wemediate commercial, civil, employment, workplace, community and family disputes
Mediator,Parenting Coordinator, Blogger, Lawyer, Soccer Mom. I meet people where theyare. Then I help them move.
ClerksroomMediation-UK's most flexible provider helps you find the right mediator foryour needs,budget & location. Tel 0845 083 3000. See also @clerksroom.
Goingthrough divorce or separation, MSL services can help save money & time, socontact us now! Family solicitors get in touch to become referral partners!
Leadinghuman rights barristers' chambers.
Writer,wannabe composer, culture and cake lover. Barrister in real life.
CriminalBarrister at Garden Court Chambers. Co-author of @protesthandbook. All views mine.
HumanRights Barrister at Garden Court Chambers. Fighting for the rights of Gypsiesand Travellers.
The OxfordBar Society (est. 2011) exists to promote a career at the Bar to members ofOxford University, hosting panel events, networking events and socials.
4 NewSquare is a leading commercial and civil set of barristers, comprising 76independent practitioners of whom 20 are Queen's Counsel.
Expertisein virtually every area of common law.
A socialwelfare law specialist barristers chambers providing high quality accessiblelegal advice and representation before courts and tribunals nationwide.
RegisteredBarristers' chambers of England and Wales offering direct legal advice from afully qualified Barrister to all. Free initial consultations.
Leading setspecialising in: Clinical Negligence & Healthcare, Employment, Police &Professional Discipline & Regulatory law, Public & Administrative law
Charteredaccountants who provide accountancy and financial solutions to barristersacross the UK. Tweets from our bar specialist team. See also Cassons_acc
Barristersspecialising in the UK and Internationally in financial and grave crimeincluding disciplinary and regulatory investigations.
Leadingpublic law barristers chambers
Aforward-thinking and user-friendly barristers chambers dedicated to access tojustice, excellence and client care
TheOfficial Twitter Page for Cornerstone Barristers (formerly 2-3 Gray's InnSquare)
Staple Innis a general common law chambers providing legal services to a wide range ofsolicitors, members of the public and other professionals.
KingsChambers, a leading barristers' chambers with a national reputation committedto providing clients with high quality, specialist advocacy & legal services
ProgressiveBarristers Chambers based in Leeds with over 80 barristers who work indedicated practice groups to deliver expert advice and advocacy.
LeadingLondon Barristers' Chambers
Lawcolumnist The Times online; author; Global Professor, New York University;Director of NYU London; door tenant 36 Bedford Row. Tweets: personal capacity.
LeadingBarristers' Chambers. Specialising in Crime, Planning, and Common Law. QCs andJuniors at all levels. Recommended in Legal 500/Chambers Directories.
We provideBarristers for Advocacy at all Courts in England & Wales, Advice andDrafting.
Barrister,eater, drinker and (occasional) dancer.
Barristers'Clerk at Temple Garden Chambers, living in Bishop's Stortford with Husband andtwo daughters. Finally caught up in this Twitter palaver !
BarristersClerk, living in SE London with a love for #Millwall, golf and nationalhunt racing. This is a personal account, all views are my own.
Barristersclerk based in London
Barrister,working as a Litigator for Keoghs and Nicholls, Lindsell & HarrisSolicitors. Areas of practice are housing, community care & debt
Barristerand Head of the Regulatory Team at Michelmores LLP.
One of thelargest sets of chambers in the country 0207 092 1900
ConsultancyServices to Chambers and Barristers UK | Business Development | Direct Accessto Barristers | Leading Barristers | QC's | Mediation Services - B2B
Barrister:London & Stalybridge; personal injury & clinical negligence.
QC; tradeunion law specialist; President, Int'l Centre for Trade Union Rights; Chair,Inst of Empl'ment Rts; Visiting Prof at KCL and UCL.
Samuel W JCarter, Barristers Clerk@TG_Chambers
Barrister(QC) helping solicitors and other professionals with regulatory issues +father, golfer, ex-cricketer, mountaineer (1 climbed) and wit
Barristerwith eclectic practice and interests. Bakes vast amounts of gluten-free cakeswhen stressed. Retweets are for interest not adoption.
Barristerand Online Publisher at Jordan Publishing, (@JordansFamLaw@Jordans_Law). Tweets here are my own personal opinions and notthose of my employer.
Leadingbarristers' chambers specialising in Crime, Fraud, Health & Safety,Regulatory and Professional Discipline law.
Asuccessful and approachable barristers' chambers which is committed todelivering the highest standard of advocacy and service.;
Specialistbarristers with an international profile.
Expertiseat a price you can control. Specialist direct access barristers resolvingdisputes upon divorce and when unmarried and same sex relationships end.
Head of theFamily Team at 36 Bedford Row. Family Law Barrister, Arbitrator, Author,Runner, Cyclist etc.. .oh and sometimes also Husband and Father to Three.
Expert,approachable and accessible family barristers. All over England and Wales andbeyond. Cases accepted directly from the public or through solicitors
LeicestershireChamber of Commerce: Voice of Leicestershire Business, part of the UltimateBusiness Network. Networking, products & services supporting business
St Philipsis one of the largest barrister sets in the country, providing a multidisciplinary service to our clients on a national and international basis.
We’re achambers delivering law advice of quality and expertise. Being clear in ourapproach, compelling in our representation and above all, approachable.
BarristersChambers in Manchester specialising in Crime, Personal Injury, Employment,Family, Commercial & Chancery and Insurance Fraud.
TopBarristers Chambers that cover the whole of Yorkshire & Humberside.Specialiists in Family, Crime, Civil, Employment, Financial Remedy,Court ofProtection
A longestablished set of barristers' chambers, meeting the needs of clients in theareas of Crime, Family, Civil, Regulatory and Disciplinary Law
St JohnsBuildings is the largest barristers' chambers in the country. Top ranked in theLegal 500 and Chambers and Partners.
No. 6 iscollective of over 60 highly respected and specialised Barristers workingthroughout the North of England and beyond.
BarristersClerk at @TG_Chambers #WHUFCViews are my own.
ChambersDirector @clerksroom.I help you choosea #barrister for civil& family disputes. When I'm not doing that I struggle with iTunes, #WWFC & mykids.
CriminalTeam of DSC human rights set with reputation for excellence defending Homicide,Fraud, Terrorism, Extradition, Complex and International Crime.
Family andCivil Barristers Chambers, Leicester
A QueensCounsel specialising in very high value personal injury and employment cases
TheCriminal Bar Association exists to represent the views of the practisingmembers of the criminal bar in England and Wales. RT's not necessarilyendorsement.
Barrister specialisingin personal injury law at Exchange Chambers (@ExchangeC/@ExchangePI). Also on LinkedIn-
Barrister,bibliophile, cineaste, absurdist.
Instruct usdirect, fixed price access to leading Barristers.
Afterpractising for over a decade as a litigation barrister Cherie Parnell offersmediation as a positive way to resolve conflict.
LLB (Hons),of the Middle Temple, Barrister
Becausewhat they tell you in law school is bullsh*t... B.S. Barrister's Guide to whatyou REALLY need to know.
One of theOld School Barristers in criminal practice rapidly becoming extinct.
BarristerWebCentral Clerking Service - 0845 123 1234
I am abarrister specializing in financial transactions involving large sums of monies
Barrister,Family Lawyer, Member of the Haldane Society, Policy Advisor at the Jack andAda Beattie Foundation
I am anexperienced barrister offering direct access work to private clients. Mychambers website is
BarristerUkoima, LL.B (London), LL.M (New York) An international business Consultant
Aspiringbarrister seeking pupillage. But whilst waiting, I am a County Court Advocateon the Midlands Circuit.
Barristerpractising in: commercial law (dispute resolution/banking/insolvency/profliability), and personal injury
BarristersChambers specialising in all aspects of Family Law, Business Law, CivilLitigation,Tax Law & Defending Tax Investigations, Shariah Law.
Barristerpractising in criminal and regulatory law and with an interest in butterflyconservation.
CrimeBarrister Direct provides individuals or corporations direct access to the bestbarristers and legal teams throughout the UK.
61 married5 children. music enthusiast, sports enthusiast, movie enthusiast, baby boomer,mild hippie
Cheryl Reid- Civil Barrister Direct. Civil Barrister able to provide legal advice,drafting and advocacy/attendance at courts in London and surrounding areas
Barristerspecialising in employment law practising out of 42 Bedford Row
Barrister,practice areas: corporate crime, all things regulatory and sports law
Barrister-at-Law,Legal Professional, Practicing Lawyer and associates member of Legal Remedy
Barristerspecialising in equality and employment law. Representative for ELA Wales.Committed to the eradication of discrimination. Views expressed = my own.
TheBarrister’s mission is to strengthen the bonds of the Husl community byproviding a space to share information and debate ideas.
Raising theSocial Media Bar. Contemporary Communication for Traditional Law Practice.
MancunianBarrister. Law and other rubbish.
Nothing Ican really tell you about, per CIA protocol.
I want tobecome a barrister and I have lots to study - follow my study progress from thebeginning.
Barrister(Crime); Legal adviser to television dramas... Holby, Judge John Deed, TheBill, Belle du Jour, Doctors, etc.; Cycle for charity & love dancing!
Barrister,musician, mother, gobby Sarf London bird.
Mother.Barrister. Slowly being driven mad by the Criminal Justice System. Tweetingabout law.
Media lawbarrister (employed).Co-author 'Defamation: Law, Procedure & Practice', 4thEd, 2009.Views expressed mine (except RTs).Tweets are not legal advice.
Barrister,based in Leeds, specialising in fraud (crim and civil), regulatory anddiscipline work, with a side line in employment cases. (direct access too)
I helppeople get the best outcome using legal procedures, either in a personal orcommercial relationship, by giving access to Barristers in any type of claim.
Barristerat Law. Columnist/political analyst.Contested N Assembly election asIndependent from NA55 (Rawalpindi). Ahead of PTI and JI
Formerlyhard-living music journalist, now slightly softer-living, wig-wearing criminalbarrister and Learned Fiend
I am aFraud and Financial Services Barrister in London specialising in defending SFOand FSA prosecutions and enforcement proceedings.
I spit fireand shit rainbows.
BarristersClerk at the Victorian Bar has a membership of over 200 Barristers including 22Queens Counsel.
You couldcall me a humble country lawyer, but I wouldn't.
Lawyer anda law unto himself
CriminalDefence Lawyer, Solicitor Advocate, President of the Glasgow BarAssociation,Hearts supporter, music fan. Who else's views would they be?
Family LawBarrister specialising in financial remedy, trusts, inheritance and probatedisputes
Supercarloving QC into motorbikes, horses and debunking myth that all lawyers arefusty.
Barristersclerk to 17 QC's and 48 Juniors. Specialising in Criminal Defence,Sports Law,and Human Rights. All views are my own .....
CriminalBarrister and Mummy.
Head of theBPTC at Kaplan Law School & mother of three completely divine children.Views are mine & only mine x
The FamilyLaw team is comprised of 36 members, 8 of whom are individually recommended asleaders in their field by Chambers & Partners and The Legal 500.
Chris is aBarrister in Civil and Family Law. He just completed his first half marathon,is looking out for his next race and counting down the days to skiing
Barrister-at-Law.Loves Angling, Addicted to coffee.
I'm aspecialist family barrister at 4 Paper Buildings and a member the GeneralManagement Committee of the Bar Council but the views are always mine.
Defender ofcriminals in a quiet county town. All opinions expressed are personal etc
Criminalbarrister in the north east of England.
I'mcurrently a new tenant; I do not intend to tweet anything personal but insteadgive people a very tiny glimpse into the life of a baby barrister...enjoy!
Expertadvice for Family, Civil and Employment Law. Recommended in the Legal 500 andChambers UK. Barristers available for public access work.
Legaladvice straight from a barrister. The revolutionary new service. Cheaper.Faster. Simpler.
Clerksroomhelp you choose the right#Barrister or #Mediator for civil& family cases in England & Wales. See @counselsclerk@barristersclerk @mediationclerk
One ofEngland’s largest barristers' Chambers with 109 Members (22 QCs) based inLondon (civil law)and an Annexe in Brighton (family, civil and crime).
CorshamBarristers Chambers offering Direct Public Access. if you would like to findout more just ask. Areas covered include employment & criminal law.
am aBarrister in kerala,India.loves my family,society..politics,welfare and justice..........
UKBarristers' Chambers: civil & commercial, criminal, employment, family,human rights/international, immigration, inquests/public inquiries &regulatory law.
Barristerworking in Yorkshire and beyond
ITBusiness, Law
Dadmasquerading as Barrister, Mediator, Actor, Photographer and Cook. The man whoput the 'lite' in elite
Barristersspecialising in civil liberties, public law and human rights and committed toPeople's Rights Through Justice.
Barristerspecialising in commercial, chancery and employment law.
Leading andsupporting a successful and respected Scottish legal profession and informingmembers of the public of legal issues in Scotland.
Personalinjury barrister at Zenith Chambers, Leeds. Forever stuck with poor early yearschoice of football team. Views my own.
We areresponsible for regulating barristers called to the Bar in England and Wales.Wetake decisions independently and in the public interest.
QC atDoughty Street Chambers specialising in serious and complex criminal trials andappeals and related civil work.
Barristerand teacher interested in human rights advocacy.
Head ofChambers and Specialist family law barrister at 4 Paper Buildings. QC.Mediator. The views expressed are my own.
  1.  Following
Birminghambased family law barrister with more than a passing interest in sport andpolitics.
Barrister(nonpractising),county court advocate,seeking crime-centred common lawpupillage.'Illegitimi non carborundum'.Legal to @lyndsaypye
Pump CourtChambers is a leading common law set, with specialists in Family, Civil andCrime. It is rated as a “top ranked set” by Chambers and Partners Guide.
Fighting injusticewherever it raises its ugly head!
TheAdvocates' Society is a not-for-profit association of judges, lawyers andadvocates, and Canada’s premier advocacy skills training provider.
SpecialistFamily QC based in Leeds
Joint Headof Chambers and Family Law Practitioner and Mediator at 37 Park SquareChambers, Leeds
DoughtyStreet Crime QC. Specialises Terrorism, Murder, Fraud and Int. Crime . Hardworking, concientious and experienced. Tough cross examiner & decentlawyer.
Queen'sCounsel specialising in insolvency, financial services, banking, company,partnership law and asset recovery
Trackingthe most interesting solicitors, barristers and judges on Twitter. Keep itlegal.
latestlegal news
CurrentAwareness from the Inner Temple Library. Any opinions expressed here are notthose of the Inner Temple.
Latestlegal news headlines and opinion from The Times
Official UKLexisNexis Twitter - Legal, Tax and Business Intelligence Solutions.
All thelatest top quality legal news and analysis for solicitors, barristers, traineesand aspiring lawyers.
Counsel isthe monthly Journal of the Bar of England and Wales, largely written by and forbarristers.
TheHonourable Society of the Inner Temple, Inn of Court.
Abarrister, school governor and charity trustee tweeting about law, culturalheritage, politics and life at the Bar.
Criminaldefence & human rights lawyer - London, Colombia & UN war crimes - andnow working to end the death penalty@ReprieveUK. Views mine only.
Barristerand writer of @babybarista for TheGuardian and Bloomsbury
BigBarrister is the global professional network and job posting board designedexclusively for law and legal services professionals world wide.
The LawSociety represents solicitors in England and Wales. Tweets from President LucyScott-Moncrieff are signed -Lucy.
Well All ICan Say Is I'm Me!!!!! Future Barrister (Lawyer) in the making I'm Ambitious,Motivated and a Free Spirit Who's Not Affraid To Speak Her Mind.....
Barristerat Great James Street, specialising in crime, human rights & public law.Rest of my time spent battling alternately with my cat and the Northern Line.
A lawyerwith a conscious awareness of the good work of charities, a desire to help othersand to raise £1 Million for my retirement pot.
Barristerswith unique expertise: financial irregularity, bribery, asset recovery,regulatory & disciplinary offences. International advice and advocacy.
Criminaldefence brief.
Guardianblogger and author of 'Law and Peace' (Bloomsbury Publishing) by barrister andwriter @timkevan
My practicecovers Criminal Law, Family Law and Litigation. The law poses problems. I helpprovide solutions. The answer starts with the asking.
Legaltopics of interest to Australian Barristers.
Legaladvice from experts in their field. Created by barristers, we provide fixed feeindependent legal advice.
Barrister ,sole-practitioner with Direct Public Access rights. Employment & criminalLaw. Drafting legal documents & Wills. That should keep me busy.
Barristerbased in Tamworth Staffordshire with a passion for motorcycles, lovely wife& family, battle with cancer...but still here !
NZBarrister. English Solicitor and Barrister (non-practising).
Barristerspecializing in Criminal&Family Law They going 2 love me 4 my Ambition Easy2 dream a dream but much harder to live it Beautiful Mum in background
CriminalBarrister based in London. Follow@jamesbewley for the personal.
CriminalBarrister from 9-12 Bell Yard specialising in financial crime, sexual offences,road traffic and regulatory law.
The ICLRpublishes The Law Reports, The Weekly Law Reports and other specialist titles.Set up by members of the judiciary and legal profession in 1865.
JudicialOffice news on the work of judges and magistrates in England and Wales, and UKtribunals judiciary. For Judicial Office Scotland follow @JudgesScotland
Administratorat Matrix Chambers. All views are my own.
PracticeManager for Team X at Matrix Chambers.
Matrix is abarristers' set founded on core values where diversity and accessibility arewidely championed, and out-dated legal practice is challenged.
Barristerat 11KBW in London, specialising in public law, employment law and informationlaw.
FORBES Top10Social Media Influencer TIME Man of Action VID BOOK #SocBiz Strategist
Dad to 5.Lawyer. CEO/Founder of LexBlog : Empowering lawyers worldwide to networkthrough the Internet.
Hot cases,emerging trends and big personalities in law from The Wall Street Journal.
The widelyread legal blog of Breaking Media. Tweets by David Lat (DL), Elie Mystal (EM),Staci Zaretsky (SZ), Joe Patrice (JP). Email:
CentralLondon venue: bespoke banquets, wonderful weddings, spectacular summer parties& meaningful meetings
Providinglibrary services for The City Law School, City University
Predominantlya family law set with a strong reputation for representation in all aspects offamily law, dealing with both children & financial proceedings.
The Alumniof the Honourable Society of Gray's Inn, Inns of Court, London. Please alsointeract with us at
Lincoln'sInn Library
TheHonourable Society of Lincoln's Inn.
NQBarrister seeking Pupillage, to practice at the Criminal Bar in E&W. Tweetsare NOT legal advice & represent my own opinion only. RT's are notendorsement!
DavidFitzpatrick- Commercial Legal News Editor at The Pupillage
Information,news and advice for pupillage applicants and those considering a career at thebar, provided by Henderson Chambers.
AdamFellows - Public/Human Rights Legal News updates from The Pupillage
Currently aUniversity student studying Law; looking for Pupillage. ULTIMATE DREAM:Humanitarian Barrister, specialising in Prisoners Rights!!! :D
Criminallegal news from The Pupillage Pages. Tweets by Katherine Lloyd - TPP CrimeEditor.
MatthewMcGhee - General Civil Legal News Editor at The Pupillage
Emmi Wilson- Family Legal News updates from The Pupillage Pages
The onlinehome for aspiring barristers: with application advice solely from successfulcandidates, interview notification forum, chambers directory...
The dailyjournal for pupillage, pupils seeking pupillage & chambers. A twit feed forlaw students, pupils, barristers & lawyers brought to you by Stephen Dale.
I am abarrister at Pump Court Chambers, London. I practise in the areas of family andcivil law. LinkedIn profile:
These areon the balance of probability, the fictional daily Tweets of The MostHonourable Grumpy Barrister.
Barristerat Large.
Sometimecriminal barrister, full time contrarian. Musings on my trials and the world'stribulations.
Law withSpanish graduate interested in mental health, immigration, social and criminaljustice. Privileged helper-outer at the Justice Gap. Irish.
Specialist #ukemplaw barrister atOuter Temple Chambers in London, resident lawyer on @lbc973 and commentator in wide variety of broadcast media.
Familybarrister tweets on matters of legal & personal significance. No doubt ofgr8 interest to t bored masses looking for their next legal high ;)
Criminaland Personal Injury Barrister, 7 Bedford Row Chambers, London
Barristerat 5RB media and entertainment law. Law and all things related, currentaffairs, media, sport and other ramblings.
InternationalBarrister. Tenacious Specialist in Sex, Death & Fraud trials. Co- Author ofThe Sexual Offences Handbook, legal media commentator & mother of 3
Family barrister/mediator,blog (Pink Tape), mum, & author of Family Courts w/o a Lawyer - A Handbookfor Litigants in Person. Views mine but RT not endorsement
Barristerpractising in criminal law for 17 years on the NE Circuit. Soon to be appearingon Court TV. Advertise your business on my gown. Reasonable rates.
Barristersclerk in specialist Family Law Chambers. Likes pies, dogs and long walks.Excited by post LSA world, needs to get out more.
Barristerschambers specialising in professional and clinical negligence, personal injury,local authority liability, property and public law.
5RB is aleading set of barristers’ chambers specialising in defamation, privacy,confidence, sport, IP and related areas of law.
5 StoneBuildings is a leading Chancery law barristers' chambers, based in Lincoln'sInn, London.
Brick CourtChambers is a leading barristers' chambers in London with 77 barristersincluding 35 QCs, specialising in Commercial, EU/Competition and Public Law.
BecketChambers is a barristers set based in Canterbury and Maidstone specialising inall areas of Common Law including Family, Civil and Criminal Law.
Humanrights and criminal barrister. Head of@1GraysInnSquare Barristers' Chambers in London andChelmsford, UK. Editor of the Barristers' Hub. Father of four.
GardenCourt Chambers - Barristers providing expert advice and representation in civilliberties, crime, family, housing and immigration
Brilliantbarrister, brilliant bloke! Defence counsel instructed the most seriouscriminal cases nationally.
Asemi-employed lawyer, kitchen crusader and your resident master of sarcasm. Tooffend or not to offend, that is always the question.
Barristerat 39 Park Square Chambers in Leeds
NorthLondon Jewish Barrister-to-be!
Aiden;founder and owner of Baby Barristers, the recruitment agency that worksexclusively with pre-pupillage Bar graduates
Barristerspecialising in Criminal Defence. Current Intructions include - Slavery,Murder, Death by Dangerous Driving, Church sex abuse.
Pleasefollow @opccnw This account is no longer operational -Dilynnwch @opccnw Nid yw'rcyfri hwn yn gweithredu mwyach
I am alawyer and a mum to a 3 year old and that's what I tweet about
I'm aspecialist Employment Law Silk at 11KBW Chambers. I do not have Purple DyingEar.
Barrister,Monckton Chambers (Competition, EU & Public Law)
Commercialbarrister; author of Insurance Claims (3rd edn, Bloomsbury, 2012); electedmember of Bar Council and Combar Executive
CommercialBarrister & arbitrator at@hardwickelaw. Focus onshipping, trade, (re) insurance, banking, prof neg, engineering &commercial litigation. My views.
The BarCouncil represents barristers in England and Wales.
Criminal,International& Human Rights law barrister at Doughty Street Chambers London. Chairwomanof Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales. Own views!
CommercialBarrister Arbitrator and QC. Interested in art, politics, theatre and Spurs
QCspecialising in Personal Injury, Clinical Negligence and Medical Law
Former HMAttorney General First black female QC and Youngest QC in 200 years, firstfemale Attorney General for England Wales and Northern Ireland in 700 years
Barristerspecialising in Employment Law at Trinity Chambers. Interests: sport, goodfood, wine, politics.


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